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Hotels near Castelvetrano, Sicily Island, Italy

In this table you will find all the hotels located in and near Castelvetrano, Sicily Island, Italy with data for each Hotels
room img hotel location settings
appartamento centro storico appartamento centro storico 37.68188 , 12.79175
Palazzo al Carmine Dimora Storica Palazzo al Carmine Dimora Storica 37.68133 , 12.79142
Lovely Holiday Home in Castelvetrano with Balcony Lovely Holiday Home in Castelvetrano with Balcony 37.683289 , 12.793336
Viamazzini Viamazzini 37.683559 , 12.793286
Lovely Holiday Home in Castelvetrano with Balcony Lovely Holiday Home in Castelvetrano with Balcony 37.68334 , 12.79373
Viamazzini Viamazzini 37.68366 , 12.79369
BITTI VACANZE BITTI VACANZE 37.679817 , 12.794193
Loft Loft 37.67896 , 12.79373
Villa Selinus 6598 Villa Selinus 6598 37.67787 , 12.79154
Piccola casa Piccola casa 37.67795 , 12.7902
Piccola casa Piccola casa 37.677868 , 12.790382
Xeniahome Xeniahome 37.6775 , 12.79173
Fratelli Clemente Spa and Hotel Fratelli Clemente Spa and Hotel 37.67768 , 12.79469
Garibaldi BeB Garibaldi BeB 37.676525 , 12.79177

Information about Castelvetrano

Castelvetrano, Italy
name : Castelvetrano
code :
country : Italy
country code : IT
Booking Hotel
full Name : Castelvetrano, Sicily Island, Italy
hotels Count : 96
latitude : 37.682639
longitude : 12.791639
time difference

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- Browse a list of top hotels in any city you want. curated by our team of travel experts. You can also compare prices, amenities, and guest reviews for each hotel, making it easy to find the best option for your budget and preferences. Whether traveling for business or pleasure to any city you want., we help make the hotel booking process stress-free and enjoyable