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Hotels near Florence, Italy

In this table you will find all the hotels located in and near Florence, Italy with data for each Hotels
room img hotel location settings
M&L Apartment M&L Apartment 43.766625 , 11.250023
Old Bridge Apartment Old Bridge Apartment 43.766636 , 11.249934
Oltrarno Villa Sleeps 6 Air Con WiFi Oltrarno Villa Sleeps 6 Air Con WiFi 43.766609 , 11.25003
M&L Apartment M&L Apartment 43.76658 , 11.25
Argento Halldis Apartement Argento Halldis Apartement 43.766572 , 11.249991
Oltrarno Villa Sleeps 6 Air Con WiFi Oltrarno Villa Sleeps 6 Air Con WiFi 43.766758 , 11.249908
Apartments Florence - Mona Lisa Charme Apartments Florence - Mona Lisa Charme 43.76655 , 11.24997
Toscanella a due passi del Palazzo Pitti Toscanella a due passi del Palazzo Pitti 43.766548 , 11.250072
Short-Let Florence Il Granduca Apartment Short-Let Florence Il Granduca Apartment 43.766514 , 11.249965
IL GRANDUCA New Apartment in Amazing Location!-Hosted by Sweetstay IL GRANDUCA New Apartment in Amazing Location!-Hosted by Sweetstay 43.76651 , 11.24993
Pitti Place Pitti Place 43.76684 , 11.25006
Palazzo Belfiore Palazzo Belfiore 43.76676 , 11.25025
Oltrarno Villa Sleeps 6 Air Con WiFi Oltrarno Villa Sleeps 6 Air Con WiFi 43.76675 , 11.25026
Oltrarno Villa Sleeps 6 Air Con WiFi Oltrarno Villa Sleeps 6 Air Con WiFi 43.76683 , 11.25018
Toscanella a due passi del Palazzo Pitti Toscanella a due passi del Palazzo Pitti 43.7666 , 11.25028

Information about Florence

Florence, Italy
name : Florence
code : FLR
country : Italy
country code : IT
Booking Hotel
full Name : Florence, Italy
hotels Count : 4423
latitude : 43.76667
longitude : 11.25
time difference

Read More about Hotels

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- Browse a list of top hotels in any city you want. curated by our team of travel experts. You can also compare prices, amenities, and guest reviews for each hotel, making it easy to find the best option for your budget and preferences. Whether traveling for business or pleasure to any city you want., we help make the hotel booking process stress-free and enjoyable