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Hotels near Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

In this table you will find all the hotels located in and near Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia with data for each Hotels
room img hotel location settings
Klcc Apartment Klcc Apartment 3.157893 , 101.711533
Waris Residency Waris Residency 3.15778 , 101.71244
Sunway Velocity Modern and cozy home - KLCC view Sunway Velocity Modern and cozy home - KLCC view 3.156875 , 101.712133
Tropicana Residence KLCC @ Getaway Home Suite Tropicana Residence KLCC @ Getaway Home Suite 3.158983 , 101.711483
Elegance at its Finest! KLCC Elegance at its Finest! KLCC 3.156842 , 101.713174
Sky Suites @ KLCC Sky Suites @ KLCC 3.15801 , 101.7101
Mandarin Oriental, Kuala Lumpur Mandarin Oriental, Kuala Lumpur 3.15593 , 101.71146
Four Seasons Hotel Kuala Lumpur Four Seasons Hotel Kuala Lumpur 3.15824 , 101.71384
Tropicana the Residence by Luxuryworld #2 Tropicana the Residence by Luxuryworld #2 3.158086 , 101.709875
K Residence K Residence 3.15939 , 101.71325
Delo @ Tropicana KLCC Delo @ Tropicana KLCC 3.158338 , 101.709883
KLCC Apartments KLCC Apartments 3.15894 , 101.713677
3rooms 500m to Twin Tower Petronas 1 3rooms 500m to Twin Tower Petronas 1 3.15651 , 101.71007
Tropicana The Residences by LUMA #CAG Tropicana The Residences by LUMA #CAG 3.158444 , 101.709797
The Residences KLCC 5 Belle by White Forest Suites The Residences KLCC 5 Belle by White Forest Suites 3.15805 , 101.709642

Information about Kuala Lumpur

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
name : Kuala Lumpur
code : KUL
country : Malaysia
country code : MY
Booking Hotel
full Name : Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
hotels Count : 3478
latitude : 3.157751
longitude : 101.71192
time difference

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- Browse a list of top hotels in any city you want. curated by our team of travel experts. You can also compare prices, amenities, and guest reviews for each hotel, making it easy to find the best option for your budget and preferences. Whether traveling for business or pleasure to any city you want., we help make the hotel booking process stress-free and enjoyable