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Hotels near Chongqing, China

In this table you will find all the hotels located in and near Chongqing, China with data for each Hotels
room img hotel location settings
Chongqing Longtousi Youth Apartment Chongqing Longtousi Youth Apartment 29.562483 , 106.55262
Kite【风筝民宿】可短租/大学城/陈家桥/龙腾丰文/电子校/汽博城 Kite【风筝民宿】可短租/大学城/陈家桥/龙腾丰文/电子校/汽博城 29.562422 , 106.552789
RISHANG RISHANG 29.56301 , 106.55156
7 Days Inn Chongqing Longtousi Railway North Station Branch 7 Days Inn Chongqing Longtousi Railway North Station Branch 29.56301 , 106.55156
Phoenix Phoenix 29.563009 , 106.551559
7 Days Inn Chongqing Caiyuanba Railway Station 7 Days Inn Chongqing Caiyuanba Railway Station 29.562686 , 106.551234
Fanghua Hotel Fanghua Hotel 29.562686 , 106.551234
Home Inn Chongqing Shangqing Temple Niujiaotuo Home Inn Chongqing Shangqing Temple Niujiaotuo 29.56469 , 106.55228
Chongqing Dlt Hotel Chongqing Dlt Hotel 29.5608 , 106.553
QIN YI QIN YI 29.560701 , 106.552915
Chongqing Plaza Hotel Chongqing Plaza Hotel 29.56071 , 106.552438
Home Inn Chongqing Lianglukou Station Home Inn Chongqing Lianglukou Station 29.560931 , 106.554203
Chongqing Daniel Hostel Chongqing Daniel Hostel 29.564564 , 106.554359

Information about Chongqing

Chongqing, China
name : Chongqing
code : CKG
country : China
country code : CN
Booking Hotel
full Name : Chongqing, China
hotels Count : 1603
latitude : 29.562778
longitude : 106.552778
time difference

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