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Hotels near Chimbote, Peru

In this table you will find all the hotels located in and near Chimbote, Peru with data for each Hotels
room img hotel location settings
La Vieja Casona / Hotel Turistico La Vieja Casona / Hotel Turistico -9.082027 , -78.581688
Hotel Camino Real Hotel Camino Real -9.07439 , -78.58048
Hotel Ivansino Inn Hotel Ivansino Inn -9.07645 , -78.59087
Hotel Viera Chimbote Hotel Viera Chimbote -9.07494 , -78.59104
Hostal Chifa Tung Fon Hostal Chifa Tung Fon -9.073829 , -78.590225
Hostal Las Orquídeas Hostal Las Orquídeas -9.072202 , -78.591789
Mini departamento centrico en Chimbote Ancash Mini departamento centrico en Chimbote Ancash -9.07221 , -78.59194
Hotel Real Chimbote Hotel Real Chimbote -9.07541 , -78.59657
Hostal El Ensueño Hostal El Ensueño -9.07515 , -78.59645
Hotel Real Bolivar Hotel Real Bolivar -9.06866 , -78.59116
Hotel San Pietro Hotel San Pietro -9.10022 , -78.56229
Hostal San Antonio Hostal San Antonio -9.06979 , -78.59592
Hotel Super Suite Chimbote Hotel Super Suite Chimbote -9.074126 , -78.604464
Hotel Brilia Hotel Brilia -9.073416 , -78.604815

Information about Chimbote

Chimbote, Peru
name : Chimbote
code : CHM
country : Peru
country code : PE
Booking Hotel
full Name : Chimbote, Peru
hotels Count : 36
latitude : -9.08528
longitude : -78.57833
time difference

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- Browse a list of top hotels in any city you want. curated by our team of travel experts. You can also compare prices, amenities, and guest reviews for each hotel, making it easy to find the best option for your budget and preferences. Whether traveling for business or pleasure to any city you want., we help make the hotel booking process stress-free and enjoyable