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Hotels near Chiang Mai City, Thailand

In this table you will find all the hotels located in and near Chiang Mai City, Thailand with data for each Hotels
room img hotel location settings
Srilai Homestay in middle of old town 古城中心帕邢寺、周日夜市 Srilai Homestay in middle of old town 古城中心帕邢寺、周日夜市 18.790146 , 98.984801
Tommy Huts Chiangmai Tommy Huts Chiangmai 18.79086 , 98.98431
Pinghostel Pinghostel 18.78941 , 98.9844
Inn By Hug Inn By Hug 18.79009 , 98.98572
清迈日记 住在古城里 五卧复古别墅 ใจกลางเมืองเก่าOld city center 清迈日记 住在古城里 五卧复古别墅 ใจกลางเมืองเก่าOld city center 18.78975 , 98.98382
Casablanca Boutique House Casablanca Boutique House 18.78983 , 98.98376
Old city center清迈日记 | 住在古城里 五卧复古别墅 ใจกลางเมืองเก่า Old city center清迈日记 | 住在古城里 五卧复古别墅 ใจกลางเมืองเก่า 18.789468 , 98.984142
Monday Moon Monday Moon 18.78955 , 98.98399
Nai Wiang Poshtel Nai Wiang Poshtel 18.78953 , 98.98387
Stay With Hug Poshtel & Activities Stay With Hug Poshtel & Activities 18.79004 , 98.98584
Chiang Mai One Stop at Old City Chiang Mai One Stop at Old City 18.79147 , 98.98426
The Gallery 24 Art Cafe Guesthouse - Hostel The Gallery 24 Art Cafe Guesthouse - Hostel 18.78964 , 98.98332
Green Sleep Hostel Green Sleep Hostel 18.78889 , 98.98479
Khum Phaya Spa Resort Khum Phaya Spa Resort 18.78952 , 98.986038
De Lanna Hotel De Lanna Hotel 18.78983 , 98.98315

Information about Chiang Mai City

Chiang Mai City, Thailand
name : Chiang Mai City
code : CNX
country : Thailand
country code : TH
Booking Hotel
full Name : Chiang Mai City, Thailand
hotels Count : 2346
latitude : 18.79038
longitude : 98.98468
time difference

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- Browse a list of top hotels in any city you want. curated by our team of travel experts. You can also compare prices, amenities, and guest reviews for each hotel, making it easy to find the best option for your budget and preferences. Whether traveling for business or pleasure to any city you want., we help make the hotel booking process stress-free and enjoyable