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Hotels near Cavite, Luzon Island, Philippines

In this table you will find all the hotels located in and near Cavite, Luzon Island, Philippines with data for each Hotels
room img hotel location settings
Tina’s pad @Serin West Tina’s pad @Serin West 14.482074 , 120.916807
Island Cove Hotel And Leisure Park Island Cove Hotel And Leisure Park 14.45795 , 120.9245
One Serenata Hotel Bacoor One Serenata Hotel Bacoor 14.449367 , 120.93264
Hotel Sogo - Molino Hotel Sogo - Molino 14.458221 , 120.959721
RBR Transient Room 1 RBR Transient Room 1 14.44446 , 120.94783
Hotel Sogo Bacoor Hotel Sogo Bacoor 14.462287 , 120.962601
RBR Transient Room 1 RBR Transient Room 1 14.444164 , 120.948088
condo-living at its best condo-living at its best 14.46699 , 120.96506
Fynn Boutique Hotel Fynn Boutique Hotel 14.44717 , 120.9533
Monette's Fully furnished apartment Free netflix Monette's Fully furnished apartment Free netflix 14.44891 , 120.95566
JSK Apartment JSK Apartment 14.44059 , 120.94601
Nizami Residence Basa Village Nizami Residence Basa Village 14.46559 , 120.96673
Asiatel Bacoor Asiatel Bacoor 14.452989 , 120.96045
Sabrina Sabrina 14.468414 , 120.970215
RedDoorz near Christ the King Medical Center RedDoorz near Christ the King Medical Center 14.46214 , 120.9683

Information about Cavite

Cavite, Philippines
name : Cavite
code :
country : Philippines
country code : PH
Booking Hotel
full Name : Cavite, Luzon Island, Philippines
hotels Count : 40
latitude : 14.4825
longitude : 120.91694
time difference

Read More about Hotels

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- Browse a list of top hotels in any city you want. curated by our team of travel experts. You can also compare prices, amenities, and guest reviews for each hotel, making it easy to find the best option for your budget and preferences. Whether traveling for business or pleasure to any city you want., we help make the hotel booking process stress-free and enjoyable