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Hotels near Campinas, Brazil

In this table you will find all the hotels located in and near Campinas, Brazil with data for each Hotels
room img hotel location settings
Turrance White Hotel Turrance White Hotel -22.90538 , -47.06027
Chácara , sossego e natureza em Araçoiaba da Serra Chácara , sossego e natureza em Araçoiaba da Serra -22.90508 , -47.06133
Studio 112 Campinas SP Studio 112 Campinas SP -22.90592 , -47.05941
Prime Prime -22.90592 , -47.05941
OPALA BARÃO OPALA BARÃO -22.904636 , -47.058873
Monreale Express Glicério Campinas Monreale Express Glicério Campinas -22.90215 , -47.0609
Mova Express Hotel - CAMPINAS Mova Express Hotel - CAMPINAS -22.90226 , -47.06181
Opala Regente Hotel Opala Regente Hotel -22.902234 , -47.061759
Matiz Arcadas Campinas Matiz Arcadas Campinas -22.902527 , -47.062687
Edifício Idea 50 metros do Bairro Cambui Edifício Idea 50 metros do Bairro Cambui -22.90516 , -47.05646
Hotel Euro Suite Campinas - Tower Hotel Euro Suite Campinas - Tower -22.90901 , -47.0585
COLONIAL PLAZA COLONIAL PLAZA -22.902162 , -47.06361
LEON PARK HOTEL e CONVENÇÕES - Melhor Custo Benefício LEON PARK HOTEL e CONVENÇÕES - Melhor Custo Benefício -22.90878 , -47.05781
AP Smart Center AP Smart Center -22.90788 , -47.05651

Information about Campinas

Campinas, Brazil
name : Campinas
code : CPQ
country : Brazil
country code : BR
Booking Hotel
full Name : Campinas, Brazil
hotels Count : 162
latitude : -22.905556
longitude : -47.060833
time difference

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- Browse a list of top hotels in any city you want. curated by our team of travel experts. You can also compare prices, amenities, and guest reviews for each hotel, making it easy to find the best option for your budget and preferences. Whether traveling for business or pleasure to any city you want., we help make the hotel booking process stress-free and enjoyable