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Hotels near California, Costa Rica

In this table you will find all the hotels located in and near California, Costa Rica with data for each Hotels
room img hotel location settings
Hotel Ara Macao Inn Hotel Ara Macao Inn 9.932647 , -84.066954
New apartment with spectacular city view-Fast WiFi New apartment with spectacular city view-Fast WiFi 9.93285 , -84.06583
Loft en zona de más entretenimiento en la ciudad Loft en zona de más entretenimiento en la ciudad 9.93284 , -84.06581
Exclusivo apartamento en San José. Piso 28. Exclusivo apartamento en San José. Piso 28. 9.9328 , -84.06583
URBN Escalante Lifestyle with best location in SJO URBN Escalante Lifestyle with best location in SJO 9.93271 , -84.06589
Modern Sunset View Apartment in San José Modern Sunset View Apartment in San José 9.93282 , -84.06581
Rich Coast Sunset Rich Coast Sunset 9.932967 , -84.065727
Mountain City View Experience Mountain City View Experience 9.93278 , -84.06582
Jungly Penthouse City View Jungly Penthouse City View 9.93278 , -84.06582
The Gourmet Terrace & Coffee View Apt The Gourmet Terrace & Coffee View Apt 9.93278 , -84.06582
URBN-21 Digital Nomad Apartment URBN-21 Digital Nomad Apartment 9.93274 , -84.06584
906B URBN Barrio Escalante Estudio con Aire Acondicionado y Parqueo 906B URBN Barrio Escalante Estudio con Aire Acondicionado y Parqueo 9.93275 , -84.06582
Urbn Moras Urbn Moras 9.93275 , -84.0658
906A URBN Barrio Escalante Estudio con A/C y Parqueo 906A URBN Barrio Escalante Estudio con A/C y Parqueo 9.93266 , -84.06584
26th floor cozy apartment near a gastronomic area 26th floor cozy apartment near a gastronomic area 9.93259 , -84.06587

Information about California

California, Costa Rica
name : California
code :
country : Costa Rica
country code : CR
Booking Hotel
full Name : California, Costa Rica
hotels Count : 40
latitude : 9.93333
longitude : -84.06667
time difference

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- Browse a list of top hotels in any city you want. curated by our team of travel experts. You can also compare prices, amenities, and guest reviews for each hotel, making it easy to find the best option for your budget and preferences. Whether traveling for business or pleasure to any city you want., we help make the hotel booking process stress-free and enjoyable