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Hotels near Kabul, Afghanistan

In this table you will find all the hotels located in and near Kabul, Afghanistan with data for each Hotels
room img hotel location settings
Park Star Hotel Park Star Hotel "UN Security Approved" 34.53001 , 69.17045
Al Asar Hotel Al Asar Hotel 34.53101 , 69.16898
Kabul Star Hotel & Restaurant Kabul Star Hotel & Restaurant 34.53101 , 69.1773
Park Star Hotel Park Star Hotel 34.53069 , 69.165518
Khyber Hotel Khyber Hotel 34.5339 , 69.169
Safi landmark Hotel & Suites Safi landmark Hotel & Suites 34.5339 , 69.169
Khyber Hotel Khyber Hotel 34.5339 , 69.169
Azizi Tower Azizi Tower 34.53159 , 69.165482
Kabul City Walk Hotel Kabul City Walk Hotel 34.53286 , 69.165443
Safi landmark Hotel & Suites Safi landmark Hotel & Suites 34.53286 , 69.16544
喀布尔桂园酒店 喀布尔桂园酒店 34.53448 , 69.16493
Golden Star Hotel & Restaurant Golden Star Hotel & Restaurant 34.53634 , 69.16781
Kabul Serena Hotel Kabul Serena Hotel 34.52024 , 69.1781
Park Star Hotel in City Centre Park Star Hotel in City Centre 34.52692 , 69.18503

Information about Kabul

Kabul, Afghanistan
name : Kabul
code : KBL
country : Afghanistan
country code : AF
Booking Hotel
full Name : Kabul, Afghanistan
hotels Count : 7
latitude : 34.52813
longitude : 69.17233
time difference

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- Browse a list of top hotels in any city you want. curated by our team of travel experts. You can also compare prices, amenities, and guest reviews for each hotel, making it easy to find the best option for your budget and preferences. Whether traveling for business or pleasure to any city you want., we help make the hotel booking process stress-free and enjoyable