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Hotels near Burgos, Spain

In this table you will find all the hotels located in and near Burgos, Spain with data for each Hotels
room img hotel location settings
El Campeador Moderna Vivienda Turística El Campeador Moderna Vivienda Turística 42.34726 , -3.6975
Hotel Maria Luisa Hotel Maria Luisa 42.34692 , -3.6972
Alfonso X - Apartamentos Burgos Deluxe Alfonso X - Apartamentos Burgos Deluxe 42.34721 , -3.69582
Apartamento Vadillos - VuT 09-401 Apartamento Vadillos - VuT 09-401 42.3469 , -3.6961
Apartamento 3 habitaciones Apartamento 3 habitaciones 42.34668 , -3.69619
HABITACIÓN PRIVADA, a 5 minutos a la catedral HABITACIÓN PRIVADA, a 5 minutos a la catedral 42.34549 , -3.69779
HABITACIÓN PRIVADA, en el centro. Cerca a catedral HABITACIÓN PRIVADA, en el centro. Cerca a catedral 42.34549 , -3.69779
Martina. Luminoso ático en centro de Burgos Martina. Luminoso ático en centro de Burgos 42.345662 , -3.696634
Studio in Burgos with WiFi Studio in Burgos with WiFi 42.3456 , -3.69668
Laucar Apartmento Laucar Apartmento 42.34519 , -3.70277
Céntrico y acogedor en Burgos VUT 09-450 Céntrico y acogedor en Burgos VUT 09-450 42.345 , -3.70288
Rice Reyes Católicos Rice Reyes Católicos 42.34779 , -3.69246
Loló Vivienda de uso Turístico 09-27 Loló Vivienda de uso Turístico 09-27 42.34473 , -3.70406

Information about Burgos

Burgos, Spain
name : Burgos
code : RGS
country : Spain
country code : ES
Booking Hotel
full Name : Burgos, Spain
hotels Count : 98
latitude : 42.35
longitude : -3.7
time difference

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- Browse a list of top hotels in any city you want. curated by our team of travel experts. You can also compare prices, amenities, and guest reviews for each hotel, making it easy to find the best option for your budget and preferences. Whether traveling for business or pleasure to any city you want., we help make the hotel booking process stress-free and enjoyable