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Hotels near Alajuela, Costa Rica

In this table you will find all the hotels located in and near Alajuela, Costa Rica with data for each Hotels
room img hotel location settings
Airport 5 min, VIP Apt, Entire w / Pool Airport 5 min, VIP Apt, Entire w / Pool 10.0165 , -84.22196
Chopper Hostal Chopper Hostal 10.01739 , -84.21903
Lago Arenal Lago Arenal 10.0173 , -84.2189
Hotel Eskalima Hotel Eskalima 10.01655 , -84.21846
Hotel Eskalima Hotel Eskalima 10.016502 , -84.218424
Hotel El Tucan Hotel El Tucan 10.014651 , -84.21904
Casa Escondida Alajuela Casa Escondida Alajuela 10.01828 , -84.21881
Global House CR Hostel Backpackers Alajuela Habitación compartida 2 Camas por Habitación Global House CR Hostel Backpackers Alajuela Habitación compartida 2 Camas por Habitación 10.01866 , -84.21786
Hotel Central Hotel Central 10.015349 , -84.216576
Katuir Baviera apartamento a solo 5 minutos del Aeropuerto Juan Santamaría Katuir Baviera apartamento a solo 5 minutos del Aeropuerto Juan Santamaría 10.01254 , -84.21884
PORTOFINO PORTOFINO 10.016398 , -84.224505
Casa Calas Casa Calas 10.01217 , -84.2181
Vista Atenas Bed and Breakfast Vista Atenas Bed and Breakfast 10.016 , -84.215401
Luxurious Central Apt 5 minutes from the airport Luxurious Central Apt 5 minutes from the airport 10.01371 , -84.21598
Relax In Downtown Alajuela 5 min Near The Airport Relax In Downtown Alajuela 5 min Near The Airport 10.01374 , -84.21595

Information about Alajuela

Alajuela, Costa Rica
name : Alajuela
code :
country : Costa Rica
country code : CR
Booking Hotel
full Name : Alajuela, Costa Rica
hotels Count : 137
latitude : 10.016356
longitude : -84.220333
time difference

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