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Hotels near Villach, Austria

In this table you will find all the hotels located in and near Villach, Austria with data for each Hotels
room img hotel location settings
WOHNUNG in ruhiger Lage, nahe dem Zentrum WOHNUNG in ruhiger Lage, nahe dem Zentrum 46.61045 , 13.85734
Comfort Apartments Villach Comfort Apartments Villach 46.61256 , 13.85329
Center Rooms Villach Center Rooms Villach 46.61275 , 13.85351
Apart of me Villach Apart of me Villach 46.6141 , 13.857
Apart of me Villach Apart of me Villach 46.614101 , 13.857
DION Hotel Villach DION Hotel Villach 46.60863 , 13.85057
Villach Appartment Blumel Villach Appartment Blumel 46.614475 , 13.852183
Stadtschenke Stadtschenke 46.61506 , 13.8539
Stadtschenke Stadtschenke 46.615067 , 13.853683
limehome Villach Gerbergasse limehome Villach Gerbergasse 46.61302 , 13.84881
BACCHUS BACCHUS 46.612769 , 13.847882
NiceFlats at - nahe Infineon NiceFlats at - nahe Infineon 46.604238 , 13.855886
Jugendstilhaus Stadtzentrum Jugendstilhaus Stadtzentrum 46.61348 , 13.84791
Zum Goldenen Lowen Gasthof Zum Goldenen Lowen Gasthof 46.6134 , 13.8477

Information about Villach

Villach, Austria
name : Villach
code :
country : Austria
country code : AT
Booking Hotel
full Name : Villach, Austria
hotels Count : 35
latitude : 46.610278
longitude : 13.855833
time difference

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- Browse a list of top hotels in any city you want. curated by our team of travel experts. You can also compare prices, amenities, and guest reviews for each hotel, making it easy to find the best option for your budget and preferences. Whether traveling for business or pleasure to any city you want., we help make the hotel booking process stress-free and enjoyable