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Hotels near Verona, Italy

In this table you will find all the hotels located in and near Verona, Italy with data for each Hotels
room img hotel location settings
Domus Fluminis Domus Fluminis 45.4344 , 10.99739
Ghibellines Apartments Ghibellines Apartments 45.43396 , 10.99651
B&B Verona23 B&B Verona23 45.434067 , 10.996416
Best Western Plus Hotel De Capuleti Best Western Plus Hotel De Capuleti 45.43466 , 10.99654
Iago B&B Iago B&B 45.43478 , 10.99659
Shakespeare Room Shakespeare Room 45.4348 , 10.9966
B&B Casanova B&B Casanova 45.43522 , 10.99673
A 5 minuti dall'Arena Elegant Apartment A 5 minuti dall'Arena Elegant Apartment 45.434895 , 10.996165
A 5 minuti dall'Arena Elegant Apartment A 5 minuti dall'Arena Elegant Apartment 45.43518 , 10.99644
Flats4Rent Irene Flats4Rent Irene 45.43518 , 10.99644
Italianflat - Adigetto Studioflat Italianflat - Adigetto Studioflat 45.43522 , 10.99643
Flats4Rent Casa Grazioli Flats4Rent Casa Grazioli 45.43275 , 10.99807
B&B Ai Montecchi B&B Ai Montecchi 45.432848 , 10.996793
La barcaccia La barcaccia 45.435284 , 10.99626
CA?? DEL POETA CA?? DEL POETA 45.435477 , 10.999016

Information about Verona

Verona, Italy
name : Verona
code : VRN
country : Italy
country code : IT
Booking Hotel
full Name : Verona, Italy
hotels Count : 1121
latitude : 45.434186
longitude : 10.997788
time difference

Read More about Hotels

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- Browse a list of top hotels in any city you want. curated by our team of travel experts. You can also compare prices, amenities, and guest reviews for each hotel, making it easy to find the best option for your budget and preferences. Whether traveling for business or pleasure to any city you want., we help make the hotel booking process stress-free and enjoyable