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Hotels near Zanzibar Island, Tanzania

In this table you will find all the hotels located in and near Zanzibar Island, Tanzania with data for each Hotels
room img hotel location settings
pole pole villa pole pole villa -6.16519 , 39.19891
Baraste Lodge Baraste Lodge -6.162248 , 39.198677
Safina Resort Safina Resort -6.16242 , 39.19899
Island Paradise Inn Island Paradise Inn -6.16241 , 39.19922
Dreams Hotel Zanzibar Dreams Hotel Zanzibar -6.162195 , 39.198914
Safari Lodge Hotel Safari Lodge Hotel -6.16554 , 39.19946
Kinazi Upepo Kinazi Upepo -6.165833 , 39.199167
Island Paradise Apartment Island Paradise Apartment -6.1618 , 39.19922
In-Africa Apartments (Zanzibar) In-Africa Apartments (Zanzibar) -6.16626 , 39.1962
The Market Lodge The Market Lodge -6.16137 , 39.196108
FIVE STAR LODGE FIVE STAR LODGE -6.162113 , 39.195348
Annex of Tarbush Bungalows Annex of Tarbush Bungalows -6.167578 , 39.198441
Aliyyah Homestay Aliyyah Homestay -6.161974 , 39.194786
Panganitoursafari Panganitoursafari -6.16319 , 39.19365

Information about Zanzibar Island

Zanzibar Island, Tanzania
name : Zanzibar Island
code : ZNZ
country : Tanzania
country code : TZ
Booking Hotel
full Name : Zanzibar Island, Tanzania
hotels Count : 455
latitude : -6.16394
longitude : 39.19793
time difference

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