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Hotels near Passau, Germany

In this table you will find all the hotels located in and near Passau, Germany with data for each Hotels
room img hotel location settings
Hotel Spitzberg Garni Hotel Spitzberg Garni 48.57108 , 13.45042
City center,near uni and train station City center,near uni and train station 48.57078 , 13.45289
Hotel im Bahnhof Hotel im Bahnhof 48.57412 , 13.45108
limehome Passau Bahnhofstraße limehome Passau Bahnhofstraße 48.57447 , 13.45038
Ibb Hotel Passau City Centre Ibb Hotel Passau City Centre 48.57436 , 13.45159
Apartment modern und gemütlich ggü. Uni-Passau, TG-Stellplatz, Balkon Apartment modern und gemütlich ggü. Uni-Passau, TG-Stellplatz, Balkon 48.56703 , 13.44901
Rotel Inn Rotel Inn 48.57523 , 13.45017
mk hotel passau mk hotel passau 48.57495 , 13.45258
Hotel Herdegen - Self Check-in Hotel Herdegen - Self Check-in 48.57392 , 13.45631
Appartement Donauwelle Appartement Donauwelle 48.5753 , 13.45688
Premier Inn Passau Weisser Hase Premier Inn Passau Weisser Hase 48.573719 , 13.45909
StadtHotel Passau StadtHotel Passau 48.57516 , 13.45845
BONNYSTAY - Downtown - Zentral - 5 Personen - Modern - Luxus - Design BONNYSTAY - Downtown - Zentral - 5 Personen - Modern - Luxus - Design 48.57492 , 13.45902
Apartment three Rivers2 Apartment three Rivers2 48.57545 , 13.45871
Hotel Atrium Garni Hotel Atrium Garni 48.57864 , 13.45266

Information about Passau

Passau, Germany
name : Passau
code :
country : Germany
country code : DE
Booking Hotel
full Name : Passau, Germany
hotels Count : 58
latitude : 48.57116
longitude : 13.44898
time difference

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