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Hotels near Berne, Switzerland

In this table you will find all the hotels located in and near Berne, Switzerland with data for each Hotels
room img hotel location settings
Bern Backpackers Hotel Glocke Bern Backpackers Hotel Glocke 46.94854 , 7.44804
Historical, Bright & Beautiful in Old City - 3rd floor Historical, Bright & Beautiful in Old City - 3rd floor 46.94758 , 7.44834
Historical and Modern Flat by Zytglogge - 2nd floor Historical and Modern Flat by Zytglogge - 2nd floor 46.94758 , 7.44834
Historical Flat, by Zytglogge - 1st Floor Historical Flat, by Zytglogge - 1st Floor 46.94758 , 7.44834
Goldener Schlüssel Goldener Schlüssel 46.94849 , 7.44868
Best Western Plus Hotel Bern Best Western Plus Hotel Bern 46.94872 , 7.44629
Historical Flat, by Zytglogge - 1st Floor Historical Flat, by Zytglogge - 1st Floor 46.947456 , 7.448675
Historical and Modern Flat by Zytglogge - 2nd floor Historical and Modern Flat by Zytglogge - 2nd floor 46.947456 , 7.448675
Historical, Bright & Beautiful in Old City - 3rd floor Historical, Bright & Beautiful in Old City - 3rd floor 46.947456 , 7.448675
Barock Apartment in der Innenstadt Barock Apartment in der Innenstadt 46.94884 , 7.44915
Hotel Bellevue Palace Bern Hotel Bellevue Palace Bern 46.94672 , 7.44664
Tiny Apt., 1 min from Zytglogge Tiny Apt., 1 min from Zytglogge 46.94896 , 7.44951
Heart of Bern Heart of Bern 46.94842 , 7.45021
Old Town Apartments Old Town Apartments 46.9478 , 7.45034

Information about Berne

Berne, Switzerland
name : Berne
code : BRN
country : Switzerland
country code : CH
Booking Hotel
full Name : Berne, Switzerland
hotels Count : 134
latitude : 46.94809
longitude : 7.44744
time difference

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