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Hotels near Dhaka, Bangladesh

In this table you will find all the hotels located in and near Dhaka, Bangladesh with data for each Hotels
room img hotel location settings
Sabrina'S Home Sabrina'S Home 23.709921 , 90.407143
Blue house Blue house 23.719999 , 90.400002
Blue House Apartment Blue House Apartment 23.72 , 90.4
Hotel Seven Star Hotel Seven Star 23.72107 , 90.41347
The Grand Regency The Grand Regency 23.70194 , 90.41822
Hotel Victoria Inn Hotel Victoria Inn 23.72337 , 90.40015
Hotel Victoria Inn (Nazimuddin Road) Hotel Victoria Inn (Nazimuddin Road) 23.72338 , 90.40015
Hotel White House International (Near Dhaka Medical) Hotel White House International (Near Dhaka Medical) 23.7237 , 90.40051
Hotel White House International Residential Hotel White House International Residential 23.72387 , 90.3993
Hotel Royal Bengal Hotel Royal Bengal 23.72633 , 90.41589
Red Fort Red Fort 23.71765 , 90.38821
HAPPY TREE HAPPY TREE 23.72714 , 90.39692
Hotel Pacific Hotel Pacific 23.72808 , 90.41731
Asia Hotel & Resorts Asia Hotel & Resorts 23.73034 , 90.409
Hotel Al-Hayat Abasik Hotel Al-Hayat Abasik 23.71232 , 90.42922

Information about Dhaka

Dhaka, Bangladesh
name : Dhaka
code : DAC
country : Bangladesh
country code : BD
Booking Hotel
full Name : Dhaka, Bangladesh
hotels Count : 112
latitude : 23.7104
longitude : 90.40744
time difference

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- Browse a list of top hotels in any city you want. curated by our team of travel experts. You can also compare prices, amenities, and guest reviews for each hotel, making it easy to find the best option for your budget and preferences. Whether traveling for business or pleasure to any city you want., we help make the hotel booking process stress-free and enjoyable