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Hotels near Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

In this table you will find all the hotels located in and near Riyadh, Saudi Arabia with data for each Hotels
room img hotel location settings
Tobal Al Malaz ApartHotel Tobal Al Malaz ApartHotel 24.68784 , 46.71964
El Tawfiq Furnished Suites Malaz El Tawfiq Furnished Suites Malaz 24.68746 , 46.71957
Al Raha Garden Furnished Apartments 3 Al Raha Garden Furnished Apartments 3 24.685499 , 46.72229
Al Seteen Palace Hotel Al Seteen Palace Hotel 24.68922 , 46.72418
Rose Garden Hotel Rose Garden Hotel 24.68517 , 46.71842
Grand Plaza Gulf Hotel - Riyadh Grand Plaza Gulf Hotel - Riyadh 24.6848 , 46.71853
ABHA AL QOSOUR 9 ABHA AL QOSOUR 9 24.691478 , 46.719181
Crowne Plaza Hotel Riyadh Minhal, an IHG Hotel Crowne Plaza Hotel Riyadh Minhal, an IHG Hotel 24.68973 , 46.7173
Meera Suites Meera Suites 24.69242 , 46.72295
Rayhana oasis Rayhana oasis 24.68909 , 46.7279
Almuahidb Residence Almalaz Almuahidb Residence Almalaz 24.682493 , 46.718514
Al Muhaidb Residence - Al Malaz Al Muhaidb Residence - Al Malaz 24.68243 , 46.71862
H (Hills) ApartHotel H (Hills) ApartHotel 24.69475 , 46.72284

Information about Riyadh

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
name : Riyadh
code : RUH
country : Saudi Arabia
country code : SA
Booking Hotel
full Name : Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
hotels Count : 432
latitude : 24.68773
longitude : 46.72185
time difference

Read More about Hotels

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- Browse a list of top hotels in any city you want. curated by our team of travel experts. You can also compare prices, amenities, and guest reviews for each hotel, making it easy to find the best option for your budget and preferences. Whether traveling for business or pleasure to any city you want., we help make the hotel booking process stress-free and enjoyable