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Hotels near Himeji, Japan

In this table you will find all the hotels located in and near Himeji, Japan with data for each Hotels
room img hotel location settings
Hotel Nuova Himeji – Adults Only Hotel Nuova Himeji – Adults Only 34.80849 , 134.70267
Himeji Castle Grandvrio Hotel Himeji Castle Grandvrio Hotel 34.82075 , 134.68969
Via Inn Himeji Via Inn Himeji 34.825321 , 134.692261
VIA INN Himeji JR-West Group VIA INN Himeji JR-West Group 34.825394 , 134.692291
Hotel Crown Hills Himeji Hotel Crown Hills Himeji 34.82156 , 134.68789
Harima no Yu Hotel Crown Hills Himeji Harima no Yu Hotel Crown Hills Himeji 34.821759 , 134.688006
Dormy Inn Himeji Natural Hot Spring Dormy Inn Himeji Natural Hot Spring 34.82486 , 134.69057
Hotel Himeji Plaza Hotel Himeji Plaza 34.825081 , 134.69014
Toyoko Inn Himeji-eki Shinkansen Minami-guchi Toyoko Inn Himeji-eki Shinkansen Minami-guchi 34.82571 , 134.690994
HOTEL LiVEMAX PREMIUM Himejieki-Minami HOTEL LiVEMAX PREMIUM Himejieki-Minami 34.82459 , 134.68952
Natural Hot Spring Hotel LiVEMAX PREMIUM Himejieki-Minami Natural Hot Spring Hotel LiVEMAX PREMIUM Himejieki-Minami 34.824536 , 134.689348
Hotel Nikko Himeji Hotel Nikko Himeji 34.8256 , 134.69032
Hotel Rea Tiare Hotel Rea Tiare 34.8265 , 134.690994
Hotel Monterey Himeji Hotel Monterey Himeji 34.827422 , 134.692593
Hotel Monterey Himeji Hotel Monterey Himeji 34.82746 , 134.69252

Information about Himeji

Himeji, Japan
name : Himeji
code :
country : Japan
country code : JP
Booking Hotel
full Name : Himeji, Japan
hotels Count : 77
latitude : 34.816667
longitude : 134.7
time difference

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