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Hotels near Jakarta, Java Island, Indonesia

In this table you will find all the hotels located in and near Jakarta, Java Island, Indonesia with data for each Hotels
room img hotel location settings
OYO 90436 Dewi Fortuna OYO 90436 Dewi Fortuna -6.21657 , 106.84667
OYO 1343 Kei-house OYO 1343 Kei-house -6.212149 , 106.845464
Gran Inn Residence Jakarta Gran Inn Residence Jakarta -6.21337 , 106.84292
Airy Eco Tebet Sawo Tiga 3 Jakarta Airy Eco Tebet Sawo Tiga 3 Jakarta -6.2166 , 106.847
Alvin Apartment Laguna Alvin Apartment Laguna -6.211544 , 106.845172
Gran Inn Residence Gran Inn Residence -6.211898 , 106.843499
RedDoorz Plus Syariah near Manggarai Station 3 RedDoorz Plus Syariah near Manggarai Station 3 -6.21178 , 106.84342
Memoria Syariah Residence Memoria Syariah Residence -6.21141 , 106.8431
Yello Hotel Manggarai Yello Hotel Manggarai -6.21031 , 106.84533
Apartement Kuningan City Apartement Kuningan City -6.21918 , 106.84544
Manggarai Coliving Manggarai Coliving -6.219285 , 106.847473
RedDoorz near Manggarai Station 2 RedDoorz near Manggarai Station 2 -6.209017 , 106.844603
Balkon Ayana Living Guesthouse Balkon Ayana Living Guesthouse -6.208763 , 106.845599
Hotel Fiducia Daan Mogot Hotel Fiducia Daan Mogot -6.208763 , 106.845599
Reddoorz @ Cengkareng Reddoorz @ Cengkareng -6.208763 , 106.845599

Information about Jakarta

Jakarta, Indonesia
name : Jakarta
code : JKT
country : Indonesia
country code : ID
Booking Hotel
full Name : Jakarta, Java Island, Indonesia
hotels Count : 1400
latitude : -6.21462
longitude : 106.84513
time difference

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