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Airports in Caracas, Venezuela

In this table you will find all the airports located in and near Caracas, Venezuela with data for each airport
AirLine img airport code city city code country country code
General Jose Antonio Anzoategui International Airport, Barcelona General Jose Antonio Anzoategui International Airport BLA Barcelona BLA Venezuela VE
Barquisimeto Airport, Barquisimeto Barquisimeto Airport BRM Barquisimeto BRM Venezuela VE
Simon Bolivar International Airport, Caracas Simon Bolivar International Airport CCS Caracas CCS Venezuela VE
La Fria Airport, La Fria La Fria Airport LFR La Fria LFR Venezuela VE
Josefa Camejo Airport, Las Piedras Josefa Camejo Airport LSP Las Piedras LSP Venezuela VE
La Chinita Airport, Maracaibo La Chinita Airport MAR Maracaibo MAR Venezuela VE
Jose Tadeo Monagas International Airport, Maturin Jose Tadeo Monagas International Airport MUN Maturin MUN Venezuela VE
Santiago Marino International Airport, Porlamar Santiago Marino International Airport PMV Porlamar PMV Venezuela VE
Manuel Carlos Piar Guayana Airport, Puerto Ordaz Manuel Carlos Piar Guayana Airport PZO Puerto Ordaz PZO Venezuela VE
Arturo Michelena International Airport, Valencia Arturo Michelena International Airport VLN Valencia VLN Venezuela VE

Information about Caracas, Venezuela

Caracas, Venezuela
name : Caracas
type :
code : CCS
country : Venezuela
main airport name :
Booking Flight
country : Venezuela
country code : VE
latitude :
longitude :
time difference

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- Explore airports in country you want with ease using our comprehensive airport directory. Our directory includes detailed information on airports from around the globe, including the name of the airport, its 3-letter IATA code, the 4-letter ICAO code, GPS coordinates, and the city it serves.

- This page is designed to make it easy for travelers to find the information they need about airports in any country you want. You can search for airports by name, code, or location to quickly find the details you need.

- With our directory, you can:

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