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Hotels near Salalah, Oman

In this table you will find all the hotels located in and near Salalah, Oman with data for each Hotels
room img hotel location settings
Muscat International Hotel Plaza Muscat International Hotel Plaza 17.01488 , 54.09179
صلالة صلالة 17.01423 , 54.0925
Al Andalus Furnished Apartments 1 Al Andalus Furnished Apartments 1 17.014437 , 54.091259
أبراج للشقق المفروشة أبراج للشقق المفروشة 17.01588 , 54.09411
فندق صلالة فندق صلالة 17.01707 , 54.0938
nassayem salalah nassayem salalah 17.01861 , 54.09385
Salalah Royal Hotel Suites Salalah Royal Hotel Suites 17.01861 , 54.09421
Alpha Suites Hotel Alpha Suites Hotel 17.01744 , 54.09585
Thamir Thamir 17.01777 , 54.089
صلاله الوسطى صلاله الوسطى 17.01107 , 54.09488
Star House Elite Star House Elite 17.018351 , 54.095829
City Hotel Salalah City Hotel Salalah 17.01922 , 54.09464
Star Emirates Furnished Apartment Star Emirates Furnished Apartment 17.01727 , 54.088
Star House Elite Star House Elite 17.018472 , 54.095911

Information about Salalah

Salalah, Oman
name : Salalah
code : SLL
country : Oman
country code : OM
Booking Hotel
full Name : Salalah, Oman
hotels Count : 100
latitude : 17.01505
longitude : 54.09237
time difference

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- Browse a list of top hotels in any city you want. curated by our team of travel experts. You can also compare prices, amenities, and guest reviews for each hotel, making it easy to find the best option for your budget and preferences. Whether traveling for business or pleasure to any city you want., we help make the hotel booking process stress-free and enjoyable